Ignore, Confront, or Dialogue? Webinar on Public Theology

Ignore, Confront, or Dialogue? Webinar on Public Theology

25 Jun 2020
Open to All

The Church’s Response to Populism

How should churches respond to populism? Political leaders are gaining support by demanding closure of borders, and they claim to be the foremost defenders of Europe’s Christian heritage. What is the responsibility of local and national church leaders? How do we represent the inclusive nature of the church in society amidst a changing political landscape that is currently impacted by COVID-19?

This webinar aims to help prepare church leaders on all levels to guide their churches as they navigate these changing political landscapes. Our perspective will be mainly European, but we believe the discussions and theological reflections will have a broader global relevance.



  • Sivin Kit, Program Executive for Public Theology and Interreligious Relations, Lutheran World Federation.



Zoom Registration


Related  publication

Resisting Exclusion - Global Theological Responses to Populism


Unveiling the book. Left to right: Rev. Dr Sivin Kit, Archbishop Dr Panti Filibus Musa, Archbishop Dr Antje Jackelén, Rev. Dr Martin Junge, and Rev. Dr Simone Sinn. Photo: LWF

Unveiling the book. Left to right: Rev. Dr Sivin Kit, Archbishop Dr Panti Filibus Musa, Archbishop Dr Antje Jackelén, Rev. Dr Martin Junge, and Rev. Dr Simone Sinn. Photo: LWF

18:00 - 19:15

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