Gender Justice in the Past and the Present
Gender Justice in the Past and the Present
This conference brings together members of the LWF women’s network in Europe around two of the network’s core focuses:
- Women in the Ongoing Reformation
- LWF Gender Justice Policy
The gathering is an important stage of the journey to revisit and reconnect with our Lutheran heritage and traditions as one way of bringing to life concepts that are central to our identity.
It is part of the movement of women revisiting the past to empower the present: On-going Reformation.
Participants also will share impulses that the LWF Gender Justice Policy is providing to on-going initiatives in the three LWF regions in Europe.
They will discuss the Gender Justice Policy’s use as a practical tool for women’s networks to enter into dialogue on gender equality and justice with church leaders and congregations.
Department: Department for Theology and Public Witness
Program: Women in Church and Society (WICAS)
Event series: WICAS regional conferences
Languages: English, German

Photo: LWF/E. Neuenfeldt