Fast for the Climate | April

Fast for the Climate | April

1 Apr 2015
Open to All


One fast. One day. Every month.

The LWF is calling for a fast on the first day each month until December 2015, when the 21st session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change will take place in Paris, France.  

We fast in many different places and faith communities worldwide.

We fast for climate justice.

We fast in solidarity:

  • With people around the world affected by climate change
  • With the millions who have lost homes and livelihoods because of extreme weather events
  • In remembrance of the many who have lost their lives

Fasting is a long-standing spiritual practice found in many religious traditions.

Become a Faster! Join the Lutheran communion and an expanding network of individuals, groups and organizations in building a groundswell of support for actions that slow climate change.

Follow the campaign: #fastfortheclimate

Departments: Department for Mission and Development, Department for Theology and Public Witness

Programs: Capacity for Advocacy, International Affairs and Human Rights, Public Theology & Interreligious Relations

Partners Include: 18 Million Rising,, Avaaz, Climate Action Network, Climate Justice Network, Forecast the Facts, Friends of the Earth, Global Call for Climate Action, Move On, World Council of Churches




Fast for the Climate at Cop 20 in Lima, Peru

Fast for the Climate at Cop 20 in Lima, Peru

1 Apr 2015
-All day

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