European Regions’ Conference 2014
European Regions’ Conference 2014
The church’s role in transforming societies will be the focal point of this year’s meeting of the three LWF regions in Europe (Central Eastern Europe, Central Western Europe, Nordic Countries).
The fifty-five participants include LWF Council members, representatives of National Committees, Women in Church and Society regional representatives and church ecumenical officers.
They will explore new models of being church today in light of the shift from churches in Europe being a leading ethical and social player to simply one of many civil society actors.
Topics include:
- new ways of networking
- perspectives of the church as a “guest” in society
- pilot projects aiming to strengthen church members’ faith identity
- diaconal outreach to young people and people in need
- missional outreach to young people
The European church leaders will consider regional follow-up to LWF women and gender programs and reflection on the self-understanding of the communion.
A panel, including Kurt Cardinal Koch, president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, will focus on ecumenical preparations for the Reformation anniversary in 2017.
Through the host church Evangelical Lutheran Church in Italy, the group will learn about contributions that a numerically small church can make to society.
Department: Department for Mission and Development - Europe Desk
Program: Relationships and Identity, Reformation 2017
Event series: Annual pan-European regional consultations
Language: English

Diaconal workers from Central Eastern Europe, Central Western Europe and the Nordic countries craft a pan-European concept of community diakonia. Photo: Szilard Szabo