Call to submit proposals for 2023 long-term project funding
Call to submit proposals for 2023 long-term project funding
LWF’s long-standing engagement with its member churches includes support through multi-year projects designed by churches to address priority needs in their congregations and wider community.
First-time proposals of long-term projects should be new initiatives to run for a maximum of three years, beginning in 2023. As projects can only be extended once, those currently in the first cycle—2020 to 2022—may request a maximum extension of another two years.
Churches prioritize a wide range of projects: capacity strengthening for their workers; diaconal services; livelihood initiatives; advocacy for human rights; environmental care and actions to mitigate climate change impact; and women’s and youth empowerment among others.
Long-term projects are granted a maximum limit of EUR 50,000 per year.
How to apply: Please note all LWF project applications are processed online. Follow this link to find all information on applications.
Languages: English, German, Spanish, and French
Opening: 2 September 2021
Deadline: 9 January 2022
Related Materials
Applications for long-term LWF Member Churches’ Projects

With LWFâs support, the Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren runs the DOOR diaconal project to raise awareness about welcoming refugees and migrants in the Czech Republic. In this photo, a childrenâs day, organized by the Teplice congregation as part of DOORâs integration activities. Photo: Evangelical Church of Czech Brethren