Call for Papers from Youth and Young Theologians
Call for Papers from Youth and Young Theologians
Global perspectives on Lutheran identity
- What is it like to be Lutheran today?
Young people have unique perspectives on how faith is formed and expressed in a global, complex, digital age.
Youth and young theologians (18-30 years of age) are invited to contribute their voices to a global consultation on contemporary Lutheran Identity.
From 2019-2022, the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) will engage in a global study of contemporary Lutheran identities as they are lived in the local contexts of Lutheran churches.
The process will begin with a consultation on the theme “We Believe in the Holy Spirit: global perspectives on Lutheran identity”, hosted by the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus in Addis Ababa, 22-28 October, 2019. It will feature dynamic, participatory theological reflection aimed at listening for creative ways in which we express our shared Lutheran heritage among the diverse contexts across our communion.
The Holy Spirit shapes us as we practice our faith in our local church. Spirituality forms our Lutheran identity and informs our engagement with the world. Some LWF Member churches call for renewal by reviving a sense of spirituality. Some churches struggle to understand the myriad expressions of spiritual gifts that sometimes call into question their experience of faith in the Lutheran Church. So what can you say about Lutheran identity in your context?
We are calling for papers or case studies that may relate to one of three themes:
- Holy Spirit as gift and promise: The Spirit calls us in Word and baptism
- Our holy communion: Spirituality as sanctification and formation in community
- Transformed and freed: Spiritual gifts and the vocation of the priesthood of all believers
An abstract summary of your paper should be 800-1000 words.
The deadline for submitting abstracts is 31 May.
The top 4 proposals will be invited to present their full paper at the consultation in October, 2019.
You may direct questions to
Rev. Dr Chad Rimmer
Study Secretary for Lutheran Theology and Practice
+41 22 791 6317
Ms Pranita Biswasi
Youth Secretary
+41 22 791 6253
Full Call for Papers from Youth and Young Theologians
Global Perspectives on Lutheran Identities

Young reformers from more than 80 LWF churches and 60 countries met in a workshop in Lutherstadt Wittenberg. Photo: LWB / Marko Schoeneberg