Call for 2022 LWF Scholarship Applications (closes on 15 October 2021)
Call for 2022 LWF Scholarship Applications (closes on 15 October 2021)
Scholarships for Theology and Diakonia/Development
Every year, around 90 new Lutheran World Federation scholarships are awarded in the fields of theology and diakonia. The aim is to equip individuals with knowledge, skills and confidence in order to strengthen the churches’ capacities for holistic mission and prepare the next generation of leaders in the Lutheran communion.
The scholarships are therefore a means of empowering churches for sustainable growth and development within the churches and in the wider community.
Only candidates who fulfill the following criteria are eligible to apply for an LWF scholarship:
- Church affiliation of the candidate: Only applications from active members of LWF member churches are considered. No applications submitted by individuals will be considered.
- Nationality of the candidate: Only candidates from developing countries are eligible for scholarships in fields of diakonia/development. The theological scholarships are open to candidates from all regions and countries.
- Age limits: The following age limits are in place, depending on the pursued degree and with certain exceptions, particularly for female applicants*:
Degree Maximum age at the time of application* Bachelor degrees 35 Master degrees 40 Doctorate 45 Post-doctoral/research 50 *Special considerations: - For candidates who are church employees at the time of application, these age limits may be exceeded upon special request.
- Relatively higher consideration is made for female candidates who exceed the age limits due to social and cultural factors which cause them to pursue studies later.
How to apply: The LWF scholarship application process will be completed online, through the LWF Scholarship portal. The link to the online portal will be sent to each member church by email.
Languages: English, French, German, Spanish
Opening: 1 August 2021
Deadline: 15 October 2021
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Photo: LWF/S. Gallay