Approval of development projects

Approval of development projects

25 Apr – 27 Apr 2016
Invitation Only

Representatives of LWF member churches in Myanmar, Hungary, Zimbabwe and Honduras will come to Hanover, Germany to put their case for project funding and to discuss contemporary problems that affect their countries, with the LWF's Department of Mission and Development. The DMD sub-committee is holding its annual meeting to approve development projects in the member churches. Approved projects will then be presented to the LWF Council at its June meeting for final approval.

Some 23 projects have been shortlisted, from countries around the world.



Member Church Projects page

A sycamore planting project in eastern Tanzania supplements the income of residents. Photo: LWF/S. Cox

A sycamore planting project in eastern Tanzania supplements the income of residents. Photo: LWF/S. Cox

10:00 - 14:00

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