Annual meeting of the Lutheran–Roman Catholic Commission on Unity

Annual meeting of the Lutheran–Roman Catholic Commission on Unity

18 Jul – 24 Jul 2018
Invitation Only

Finalizing the study report on Baptism and Growth in Communion

The Lutheran–Roman Catholic Commission on Unity will hold its annual meeting in Klingenthal, near Strasbourg, France.

This will be the last meeting for this study commission, which began its work in 2009. The Lutheran World Federation and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity established the study commission in 1967 and organize the international dialogue meetings. The commission has both a Lutheran and a Catholic co-chair.

This year, the commission is expected to finalize the study report, “Baptism and Growth in Communion” a topic it started discussing in 2009.

  • LWF Co-chair:  Bishop Emeritus Eero Huovinen
  • PCPCU Co-chair: Bishop William Kenney
18 Jul – 24 Jul 2018
-All day

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