2nd Meeting of the Anglican–Lutheran International Coordination Committee
2nd Meeting of the Anglican–Lutheran International Coordination Committee
The Anglican–Lutheran International Coordination Committee (ALICC) will have three focuses at this, its second meeting:
- mapping existing relations between Anglicans and Lutherans worldwide, ranging from formal agreements to relief and development partnerships as well as partnerships between theological schools
- discussing the understanding of God’s mission by both communions both internally and ecumenically
- continuing to develop joint materials on the LWF’s main theme of the Reformation anniversary in 2017, “Liberated by God’s Grace”
ALICC also will participate in the consecration of the Anglican Bishop of Western Kowloon and visit the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Hong Kong.
Department: Department for Theology and Public Witness
Co-organizers: Anglican Communion Office & Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui (The Hong Kong Anglican Church)
Program: Ecumenical Relations – Anglican-Lutheran Dialogue, Reformation 2017
Event series: ALICC annual meetings
Language: English

(left to right) ALICC co-chairpersons Bishop Michael Pryse, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada and The Most Revd MaurÃcio Andrade, Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil. Photo: LWF/Anne Burghardt