16 Days: Anger, Resistance and Hope
16 Days: Anger, Resistance and Hope
Black, Feminist and De-colonizing Theologies for Gender Justice
This event is a collaboration between LWF, ACT Alliance, World Council of Churches and Side by Side. It brings together theologians and activists who are expressing outrage at all forms of injustice and resisting the status quo.
The dialogue will seek to interweave messages of anger, resistance and hope, centred on theologies that counter sexual and gender-based violence.
Often fundamentalist interpretations of religious texts have been used to justify the oppression of women and girls. This event will question these distortions, whilst affirming theologies that seek to transform the status quo.
Languages: English with Spanish and French interpretation

Eucharistic celebration during LWF Council meeting 2019. Photo: LWF/A. Hillert