16 Days of activism to end Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
16 Days of activism to end Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
‘Fund, Respond, Prevent, Collect’ to end violence against women
Together with international partners, faith-based organizations and global advocacy groups around the world, we use this opportunity to raise our voices for a stronger response and prevention of Sexual and Gender Based Violence.
This year’s campaign takes place 25 years after the Beijing Conference on Women and in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has exacerbated gender inequality and exposed other forms of discrimination and violation of women and girls' human rights.
We encourage LWF Member Churches and Country Programs from around the Communion to creatively engage with the 16 Days campaign and we offer resources to facilitate this.
Between 25 November (International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) and 10 December (International Human Rights Day), let us stand together to promote gender justice and dignity for all.
We invite you to read and share our stories and resources, which you will find here: