Serving the Body of Christ
Church leadership is a shared responsibility. As people who are baptized, we are members of the Body of Christ. We are all called to proclaim the gospel and bring our unique and diverse gifts for the well-being of others and for the growth of community.
“Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.”
– (1. Cor. 12:4-7)

LWF Third International Lay Leaders’ Seminar, held from 27 June to 6 July in Geneva and Wittenberg. Participants Mabel NGEE-FUI HO (Malaysia), Melkion PANUAITAN (Indonesia) and Anna Christine Ursula UNRUH-LUNGFIEL (Germany). Photo: LWF/S. Gallay
The LWF invites non-ordained leaders from its member churches to participate in a joint leadership journey—to explore and reflect together on the concept and practice of church leadership.
The Lay Leaders’ Seminar is conducted annually by the LWF Communion Office and the LWF Center Wittenberg. Participants are selected in collaboration with the member churches; therefore, each individual must be endorsed by his or her church.
Rather than being a one-time event, the seminar is a process which consists of:
- individual studies and reflections;
- in-person seminar in Geneva and Wittenberg;
- peer-based interventions and networking.
The seminar’s content is based on the following thematic areas:
- Biblical foundations on leadership
- Lutheran theology on leadership
- Vision and values of church leadership today (What guides Lutheran leaders today and
The program is adjusted each time to correspond to the participants’ needs and expectations.
Throughout the process we nurture a learning culture, which encourages mutual learning and sharing of experiences and resources. We want to offer a space where leaders become connected and mutually supported especially with regard to contextual concerns. By facilitating the establishment of networks, the LWF wants to encourage leaders to find synergies, share resources and be connected with each other. The joint leadership journey also provides an opportunity to learn more about LWF’s work and deliberate on the meaning of being churches in the Lutheran communion.
The LWF Center Wittenberg will send out the invitation letter for the 2022 Lay Leaders Seminar to LWF member churches. If you are interested in the seminar, kindly contact your church leadership.
For more information, please contact the LWF Center Wittenberg or the LWF Communion Office.
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