Proud to tell people LWF has a gender justice policy

23 Mar 2018
Ranjita Borgoary
Ranjita Borgoary gives a presentation at a meeting associated with the Commission on the Status of Women. Photo: LWF

Ranjita Borgoary gives a presentation at a meeting associated with the Commission on the Status of Women. Photo: LWF

LWF Council Member Ranjita Borgoary writes about what it means to participate United Nations’ Commission on the Status of Women

A woman from a village never dreams of participating in a UN meeting. But a dream has come true.

It is a great privilege and opportunity for me to be a part of CSW62 at New York. CSW62 has given an opportunity for a Lutheran village woman to be with the ecumenical women of the world to learn and share experiences together as Lutherans.

The different events and panel discussions have filled me with knowledge of the world’s various ministerial working processes in the pathways to gender equality for rural women and girls.

CSW62 has given an opportunity for a Lutheran village woman to be with the ecumenical women of the world to learn and share experiences together as Lutherans.
LWF council member Ranjita Borgoary at the UN’s 62nd Commission on the Status of Women

It has made me realize the need to strengthen the process and methodologies of working for the churches and community for gender equality by having an LWF gender justice policy at hand. I am proud to tell people at the CSW62 that the LWF has a gender justice policy.

Thanks to CSW62, my dream of having enormous exposure to people of the whole world has come true.

I have met people who are working for the cause of women’s empowerment and gender equality and are in the process of stopping gender-based violence. Advocacy work with the government and NGOS is another field in which I have learnt a lot.

After participating in CSW62 I feel proud that I am a woman and am challenged to work for women and girls. I am confident that once home, I will share things I have learnt and bring fresh proposals that such exposure enables.

LWF council member Ranjita Borgoary is the women's desk secretary for the United Evangelical Lutheran Churches in India, where she develops programs on women’s empowerment and leadership. She attended the UN’s 62nd Commission on the Status of Women as an LWF delegate. The theme of the CSW62 was challenges and opportunities in achieving gender equality and empowerment of rural women and girls


LWF Gender Justice Policy

LWF News

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North Sumatra, Indonesia/GENEVA
23 March 2022
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Ranjita Borgoary
Disclaimer: The views expressed in this blog are those of the author, and not necessarily representative of Lutheran World Federation policy.