Ms Christina Jackson-Skelton, Chairperson of the Finance Committee, presents her report to Council 2014 meeting in Medan, Indonesia, 11-17 June. Photo: LWF/M. Renaux
Member churches of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) have increased their commitment to the communion in the fiscal year 2013, Christina Jackson-Skelton, Chairperson of the LWF Finance Committee reported to the LWF Council meeting 2014 in Medan, Indonesia. LWF financial results for 2013 were better than expected. The chairperson commended the Communion Office for cost-effective and balanced budgeting in 2013.
LWF income in 2013 was EUR 105.6 million, an increase of 5 percent over the previous fiscal year. Instead of the expected deficit the budget ended with a net surplus. The increase and surplus are mainly due to the work of the Department for World Service. World Service Programs in the previous year have provided assistance in various humanitarian emergencies in Chad, Namibia, Angola and Ethiopia which resulted in higher income from partners and UN-Organizations. Additionally, the LWF-run Augusta-Victoria-Hospital (AVH) on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem increased programming and revenue for patient care. Jackson-Skelton added however that a large sum is still tied up in receivables and not available in cash.
Jackson-Skelton thanked member churches for the increased commitment in paying LWF membership fees. “Your commitment for advocating for the payment of the membership fees is a reflection of your commitment to the communion and your passion for the ministry that we share and undertake together”. More than 80 percent of LWF member churches have paid their membership fees in 2013 in comparison to 2012, where only 49 percent of member churches had paid their fees.
LWF membership fees are set based on a formula that indicates the relative wealth of the member church country compared with other member church countries. The basic fee is USD 100. Membership fees – altogether about 2.5 million EUR in 2013 – make up about 2.4 percent of total LWF income. They are, however, an expression of solidarity and ownership in the LWF communion. They also create “unrestricted operating income that can be used where it is most needed in the work of LWF” as Jackson-Skelton pointed out.
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