Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
What We Do We work with member churches, country programs and partner organizations to promote justice, peace, reconciliation and dignity for individuals and communities.
Member Churches LWF membership represents over 78 million Christians in the Lutheran tradition in 99 countries across the globe. It has 150 member churches, including two associate member churches, as well as ten recognized churches and congregations, and two recognized councils.
LWF related subsites Related Subsites LWF Thirteenth Assembly – 2023.lwfassembly.org [EN | DE | ES | FR | PL] Reformation 2017 – 2017.…
Get Involved We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition on a common journey of renewal We strive to put our faith into action within and beyond the communion, and seek God’s Word and Spirit to guide us
Donate Now Your partnership truly makes a difference.Together, a better world is possible.With Passion for the Church and for the World.
Image Panelists discussing global responses to religious nationalism: clockwise from top left, ELCA pastor Rev. Angela Denker, LWF moderator Rev. Dr Sivin Kit, Dr Sathianathan Clarke of Wesley Theological Seminary and Dr Dicky Sofjan of the ICRS. Photo: Screenshot from the webinar Resisting and engaging with religious nationalism An LWF webinar explores ways in which people of faith can respond to the increased politicization of religion (LWI) - How can people of faith respond to a rise in religious nationalism? How should we react when politicians exploit…
Image Rev. Angela Trejo Haager of the Mexican Lutheran Church, one of the coordinators of the LWF Women and Gender Justice Network of churches in Latin America and the Caribbean. Photo: LWF/A.Danielsson Bible studies highlight gender justice work LWF’s network of women in Latin America and the Caribbean provide hope through reflections on pandemic (LWI) - Women in ordained ministry across Latin America and the Caribbean are sharing biblical reflections to support members of their…
Image Young climate activists gathered in December 2019 at the COP25 summit in Madrid, Spain sound the alarm for climate justice. Photo: LWF/Albin Hillert Prophetic young voices call for climate action LWF hosts Season of Creation webinar with young Anglican, Catholic and Lutheran activists from Brazil, Malawi and U.S. (LWI) - Young climate activists from different Christian churches took part in a webinar during this Season of Creation…
Image Chanset, an ethnic Khmu girl in northern Laos, with school uniform, books and other items provided by LWF as part of a program to provide access to quality education for girls. Photo: LWF/P. Simayvanh LWF calls for urgent action on women’s rights A statement marking 25th anniversary of Beijing conference laments slow pace of progress on gender justice (LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) is urging world leaders, meeting at the UN General…
Image Vibrant and beautiful worship at the Njube Centre parish of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Zimbabwe. LWF General Secretary Martin Junge preached, local choirs sang beautifully and young people from the church offered powerful testimony to a society peace. Ecumenical partners of the ELCZ participated in the service. From 29 February-4 March 2020 the LWF General Secretary and a high level delegation visited Zimbabwe, its churches and people, to show solidarity and offer encouragement. Photo: L Worshiping together on Reformation Day LWF offers resources for global involvement of member churches (LWI) - Member churches of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) are called to engage more closely with one another as they prepare to mark this year’s…
Image LWF General Secretary Martin Junge addressed the Faith for Nature conference which is taking place in Skálholt, Iceland, via video stream. Photo: LWF/S. Gallay Creation is a gift, not a commodity LWF General Secretary addresses "Faith for Nature" conference (LWI) - The survival of humankind as "created creatures in a created world" will depend "how we might seek fulfillment in life in gifts and resources that are not for sale,"…
Image Representatives of different Christian churches and ecumenical organizations gathered online to mark the closing of the 2020 Season of Creation and pray for a âJubilee for the Earthâ. Photo: LWF/JC Valeriano Christian leaders pray for reconciliation and ‘Jubilee for the Earth' LWF General Secretary joins ecumenical online worship service to close Season of Creation (LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) General Secretary, Rev. Dr Martin Junge joined representatives of other Christian world communions and…
Image Traditionally baked Ethiopian bread being shared out with participants at a global consultation on Lutheran identities in Addis Abeba in October 2019. Photo: LWF/Albin Hillert Spirituality at the heart of Lutheran identity Fourth ‘Being Lutheran’ webinar focuses on Spirituality in contemporary church life and worship (LWI) - How do we experience the Holy Spirit in our lives today? How has the COVID-19 pandemic challenged our understanding of spirituality…
Image The World Association for Christian Communication has published a new report on countering hate speech online. Photo: Unsplash/Dan Edge Turning hate speech into ‘hope speech’ World Assocation for Christian Communication launches report on countering online hate speech (LWI) - The World Association for Christian Communication (WACC) has launched…
Image Christian, Jewish, Muslim and Rastafari representatives discuss faith perspectives on debt relief, inequality, reparations and reconciliation. Photo: LWF Interfaith appeals for fairer economic system Webinar highlights Christian, Jewish, Muslim and Rastafari voices calling for action on Just Finance and Reparations (LWI) - Just Finance is “not just about finance,” but also about values of fairness, equity, trust and honesty, therefore…