We, as faith communities, and as the Lutheran World Federation (LWF), are still very much hopeful of a better future, a future that’s safe and secure for all creation. We are currently in the context where, on a daily basis, we ask…
After listening to a plenary discussion at the United Nations climate change negotiations in Katowice, Poland, I realized not only the moral challenge of climate change, but also the moral challenge of our policies in addressing this…
Our first stop was the Model Village, on a hilltop above the town of Gressier, approximately one hour to the West of Port-au-Prince. The Gressier Model Village is composed of 150 single family homes, an office, and a community area.
Lunar New Year is, without doubt, the most important annual festival for the Chinese. It is not only a long holiday in Hong Kong, but also a time for family and friends to gather. It is…
It is Ordinary Season, and in Minnesota the sun shines late into Compline as we live in a haze of sweaty clothes, sun-kissed skin, and explosive rumbling storms.
500th anniversary of Luther’s treatise ‘On the Freedom of a Christian
A small and remarkable publication is currently celebrating its 500th anniversary: Martin Luther’s treatise on the freedom of a Christian. It was produced in the…