The new document on Lutheran identity is the fruit of a four-year process exploring the wide variety of languages, cultures, forms of worship, spirituality, service and public witness through which that identity is expressed…
Women delegates from LWF member churches gathered for their Pre-Assembly to worship, build, and sustain relationships, assess regional and global needs for gender justice, identify priorities for the coming years, and prepare a message to share…
The LWF’s six-year report gives an overview of its activities in the years between the Twelfth and Thirteenth Assemblies and the journey from Windhoek to Kraków.
A visit to the Auschwitz-Birkenau memorial and museum during LWF’s Thirteenth Assembly will be “a call to action to stand together, wherever people’s dignity is being violated.”
Meet the three Lutheran leaders who will be presenting reflections on the theme of ‘One Body, One Spirit, One Hope’ at the Krakow Assembly in September
A new learning program will be presented at Krakow Assembly on ‘Seeking Conviviality: the art and practice of living together in increasingly fragmented and unequal societies.’
Read about the history of the Lutheran church in Poland and its work in an increasingly secular society through the pages of this new brochure, introducing the host church of the upcoming LWF Assembly in Krakow
Since their first meeting, Assembly stewards have reached important milestones. Savanna Sullivan, LWF Program Executive for Youth, talks about thematic roles and sharing their gifts.
The village groups at the Thirteenth Assembly will bring together participants in discussion about the Assembly theme, offering diverse perspectives from the global communion. LWF’s Katariina Kiilunen, and Chad Rimmer share insights into the…
The Dutch Luther Museum in Amsterdam has launched an exhibition on historical and current relations Dutch Lutherans had internationally. It also offers a critical reflection on the effects of these relations.…