(LWI) On June 13, the LWF Council met in a special session during their annual Council meeting in Geneva to discuss the document “Claiming the Gift of Communion in a Fragmented World.” The document…
LWF’s General Secretary reports on activities of the global communion of churches over the past year, as the Council gathers for its last full business meeting
As global leaders at the UN summit charted a new path for a sustainable future this week, a Finnish youth pastor reflected on shared Christian responsibility in protecting and preserving creation.
GINEBRA (LWI) – El día 2 de agosto es una fecha muy especial para la Facultad Luterana de Teología (FLT) de la Iglesia Evangélica de Confesión Luterana en el Brasil (IECLB) y para Larissa Gebien Henkels, la primera persona ciega en concluir su...