EU ‘Children of Peace’ Initiative Helps Students from Conflict Zones
(LWI) - It has been over two years since 17 year-old Walid Awad Majir and his two brothers settled in neighboring South Sudan, fleeing conflict at home in South Kordofan…
Income Generating Schemes, Support to Most Vulnerable Groups
(LWI) – Since the devastating earthquake of January 2010 that killed more than 200 000 people in Haiti, damaged or destroyed more than 300,000 buildings and left 1.5 million…
Commemoration of Haiti Earthquake in LWF Model Village
PETIONVILLE, Haiti/ GENEVA, 12 January 2015 (LWI) - “Li mouri, li mouri…” (He is dead, he is dead). Fabiola is crying in deep grief when she is relaying her story. She is one of 16…
(LWI) – “What is science?” the teacher asks. In front of him are about 40 teenagers dressed in light purple school uniforms. “It’s the study of living and not living things. How do you know a living…
Students in a South Sudanese refugee camp embrace education
(LWI) – “I came here to learn”. 18-year-old Mobarak Habil Ibrahim introduces himself. He fled the conflict in the Nuba Mountains, Sudan, and left his parents. His temporary home…
(LWI) - “In most cases the mouse is green and the keyboard purple,” the teacher explains. 27 men and women stretch their necks and inspect the back frame of their PCs to find the connector ports the young…
(LWI) – Buckets of butter, canned tomatoes and corn, gallons of oil, garden seeds and big white sacks of grain: The community store in Despagne is well stocked. “This is the first time we…
“A responsibility to ensure the evidence we collect is robust”
MAPUTO, Mozambique/GENEVA, 29 May 2015 (LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation is part of an NGO coalition that is gathering evidence of human rights concerns for a United…
GENEVA, 2 November 2015 (LWI) - Lutherans in Malaysia have opened their hearts to the people of Nepal with a significant cash donation for The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) relief work.