Third meeting focus: proclaiming the good news to the poor
(LWI) - The third meeting of the international Lutheran-Pentecostal dialogue group drew attention to the situation of the materially poor and how the churches relate to them. …
Tenth anniversary of Czech institute outlines vision of educational programs
(LWI) - A network of Christian social activists across Central and Eastern Europe has marked its 10th anniversary with a commitment towards educational programs…
(LWI) - Education was a driver of lasting social, economic and political change during the Reformation. Today, Lutherans are still committed to transformative education.
LWF regional meeting discusses migrants, secularization and nationalism
(LWI) - Representatives of the three European regions of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) meeting in Moravske Toplice, Slovenia, said the growing populism and…
LUCCEA General Assembly delegates discuss church’s role in reconciliation and peace
(LWI) The president of the Lutheran Communion in Central and Eastern Africa (LUCCEA) has called on churches in the sub-region to strive for unity in order…