Visual expression of journey towards shared Eucharist
(LWI) - The Salvadoran cross created for the Joint Catholic-Lutheran Commemoration of the Reformation in Lund 2016 was placed in the chapel of the Ecumenical Center in Geneva,…
Church, Eucharist and Ministry “not church dividing issues”
(LWI) A dialogue document on Church, Eucharist and Ministry published by Lutherans and Roman Catholics in Finland in 2017 could pave the way for an international declaration…
(LWI) - The LWF has proved itself an organization recognised for high quality work and for networking with diverse groups of people, Archbishop Dr Panti Filibus Musa says.
An important platform of relationship and trust building
(LWI) The third global gathering of the Global Christian Forum (GCF) has begun in Bogotá, Colombia. This is the first global gathering of the GCF in the Americas and the first in a…
International conference on public theology and dialogue between cultures
(LWI) - A global conference bringing together church leaders hopes to find ways to counter growing populist movements that promote racism and hate crime.
(LWI) “I am learning to engage in international dialogues and build up relations with different people,” says Elizabeth Silayo (38), summing up her experiences. “I understand the world as God´s…