Dr Jerzy Sojka is among the seven theologians in the LWF study group on Lutheran engagement in the public space. He reflects on the Polish context and expectations about the process.
Why is it important for the LWF to engage in this…
The seven-member LWF study group on Lutheran engagement in the public space includes theology post-graduate student Ms Eneida Jacobsen. She shares insights and expectations from the Brazilian context.
Bishop emeritus Dr Busi Suneel Bhanu is on the seven-member LWF study group on Lutheran engagement in the public space. He reflects on the Indian context and expectations about the process.
In 1994 the Lutheran World Federation published the first of three volumes on worship and culture, direct results of a project that covered seven years (1992–1999), and involved theologians, Lutheran…
When, in early April 1965, I crossed the threshold of the newly built Ecumenical Center for the first time to take up my job with the Lutheran World Federation’s comptroller, Roman Maximilian Ritter, the LWF was…
Singing the Songs of the Lord in Foreign Lands: Psalms in Contemporary Lutheran Interpretation (LWF Documentation 59), edited by Kenneth Mtata, Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr, and Miriam Rose (Leipzig: Evangelische…
The “spirit of Geneva” was strong, according to the representative from Venezuela, as she made her closing comments to the parties and observers gathered at the Palais des Nations at the end of the 8-13…
AMMAN, JORDAN 27 February 2015 - At the start of every negotiation session between the Syrian regime and the opposition—whether in Geneva, in Cairo or in Moscow—the participants have observed a moment of silence to honor Syria’s fallen…
As much as it is a fact that Jantine Auguste Haumersen was the first woman pastor ordained in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, it was another woman (later to be ordained as pastor as well) who prepared the way…
(Prof. Dirk Lange, currently seconded to the LWF as worship coordinator for the Twelfth Assembly and ecumenical commemoration of the 500th anniversary, reflects on the assembly theme and worship.)