(LWI) – Inspired by the international dialogue between The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and the Catholic Church, Malaysia’s Lutherans have initiated discussions for closer collaboration among Christians in the country.
Young reformers and nearly 2,000 delegates expected at Brazil's youth congress
(LWI) – More than 30 delegates from the seven regions of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) will be among 1,800 participants at this year’s National Youth…
Religious leaders must walk the talk and play their part in reducing stigma and discrimination of people living with HIV and AIDS, says a Lutheran church leader with the virus.
Perceptions are changing about the church and people living with HIV
(LWI) - India’s Lutheran churches are reaching out to people living with HIV in a context in which the epidemic is slowing down but poverty and stigma pose major…
Tanzanian Lutheran pastor Sandewa shares his personal experience
(LWI) – While the number of people affected by HIV and AIDS in Tanzania has increased since the first three cases reported in 1983, remarkable progress in prevention and…
(LWI) – When a Lutheran network of door-to-door carers of people living with HIV in Swaziland was started three years ago, its staff were ostracised in much the same way as the people they were…
Government, civil society draw up recommendations for the country
(LWI) - The major outcome of a recent workshop organized by The Lutheran World Federation in Myanmar is that the government of Myanmar should set up a national steering…