(LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) governing body has called for greater church engagement to enhance holistic life, equal citizenship, peace-building, democracy and inclusiveness.
The LWF Council met in the historic town of Wittenberg, Germany, to carry out LWF business in its final meeting before the LWF Assembly. As well as updates on preparations for the Joint Ecumenical Commemoration…
(LWI) - Song, dance, story telling and prayers at a festive inaugural worship service launched The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) Pre-Assembly in Asia on 15 August.
LWF General Secretary Junge shares a vision for the LWF at Asia Pre-Assembly
(LWI) - Addressing The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) Asia Pre-Assembly, General Secretary Rev. Dr Martin Junge gave an introduction to the history and identity…
Asia Pre-Assembly participants discuss LWF Twelfth Assembly themes
(LWI) – What does it mean to be liberated by God's grace? From what and to what are we liberated? What does it mean to say that salvation, human beings and creation are…
Delegates from 19 churches and ecumenical guests are among 70 participants
(LWI) – Representatives of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) member churches in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) and North America are meeting in…
PARAMARIBO, Suriname/GENEVA, 30 August 2016 (LWI) — Many member churches of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) are already engaged with the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that address the root causes of poverty,…