We, as faith communities, and as the Lutheran World Federation (LWF), are still very much hopeful of a better future, a future that’s safe and secure for all creation. We are currently in the context where, on a daily basis, we ask…
After listening to a plenary discussion at the United Nations climate change negotiations in Katowice, Poland, I realized not only the moral challenge of climate change, but also the moral challenge of our policies in addressing this…
Lunar New Year is, without doubt, the most important annual festival for the Chinese. It is not only a long holiday in Hong Kong, but also a time for family and friends to gather. It is…
500th anniversary of Luther’s treatise ‘On the Freedom of a Christian
A small and remarkable publication is currently celebrating its 500th anniversary: Martin Luther’s treatise on the freedom of a Christian. It was produced in the…
I’ve worked in Honduras over many years since the late 90s, working in emergency response and as a photojournalist. Recently I went to visit some of the areas that were worst hit by the double hurricanes in…
LWF scholarship holder explains her focus on Dalit women
The caste system is a brutal, systematic, and intentional social construct that stratifies the society into a strict social order, which sacralizes some bodies while dehumanizing…
Called to act with urgency to limit human-induced global warming
Addressing a college graduate class in Lewiston, Maine, United States, five years ago, Congressman John Lewis urged, “You must find a way to get in the way and get in good…