LWF WICAS and the English speaking congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Geneva are celebrating the Reformation Day by giving visibility to the contributions of women from the past and the present to the Reformation journey. The views in the XV century of Argula von Grumbach (in Germany), Marie Dentière (in Switzerland) and of many contemporary women that made the theological reflection grow, will be at the core of this event.
How LWF encompasses the process to make visible women’s participation will be presented by Rev. Dr Martin Junge, LWF’s General Secretary. The presenters will be Rev. Roswitha Golder, former coordinator of the movement “Witnessing Together and honorary pastor at the Geneva protestant Church and Ms Ana Villanueva, Executive Assistant to the LWF General Secretary.
“It’s a God-given opportunity and at the same time a challenge, because in our context not many women are in leadership positions,” says Dr Ebisse Gudeta, the first female academic dean of the Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane…
In this Voices from the Communion interview, the Pastor President of the Lutheran Church of Peru, Rev. Ofelia Dávila Llimpe, speaks about her ongoing engagement for social and gender justice, the inspiration she drew from Liberation Theology, and…
In this interview, Rev. Halina Radacz talks about her journey to become a pastor, her Lutheran identity as a person belonging to a minority group in Polish society, and her church’s long process to ordain women.
Refugee athlete to give testimony at Ecumenical Commemoration
(LWI) – Olympic athlete and refugee Rose Nathike Lokonyen will be one of the speakers at the Joint Lutheran-Catholic Commemoration in Sweden on 31 October.
Pastors Zelda Cossa and Rosa Rafael speak of new hope and dedication
MAPUTO, Mozambique/GENEVA, 30 June 2017 - Amid worldwide commemorations of 500 years of the Reformation, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Mozambique (IELM) recently…
WICAS meeting of bishops and women in church leadership
(LWI) – “We owe great respect and a debt of gratitude to the women who were the first to move into leading positions.” This was the unanimous opinion of women bishops and church…
Tribute to Rev. Laine Villenthal and call for ongoing reformation
(LWI) – The Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church (EELC) recently celebrated 50 years of women’s ordination at a festive conference and worship service attended by local and…