JERUSALEM, 30 July 2015 - The President of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) Bishop Dr Munib A. Younan recently paid a pastoral visit to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Republic…
LWF Vice President Kwon: Youth bring new inspiration and creativity to the church
(LWI) – Young people at the Wittenberg gathering of youth from all parts of the world have revealed the Reformation projects they will undertake when they…
(LWI) – Rome’s new Piazza Martin Lutero is not only a sign that Lutherans are welcome in the cosmopolitan Italian city but a reminder of Luther’s call for Christians to proclaim the gospel…
Four women in historic ordination in Madhya Pradesh Lutheran church
(LWI) - After a long wait a “dream has come true,” for Rev. L. K. Khakha from Tumsar, a small town in India’s central state of Madhya Pradesh. On 1 November, she and…
An opportunity to learn about the Lutheran Costa Rican Church
(LWI) - The Lutheran Costa Rican Church (ILCO) is showing its commitment to the care for creation by planting 500 trees to mark the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in 2017…
Advocating for a church with women in ordained ministry
(LWI) - At the recent synod of the Polish Lutheran church, a majority voted in favor of the ordination of women to the pastoral ministry. However, it failed to reach the two-thirds…
Arabic version of LWF Gender Justice Policy launched in West Bank and Gaza
(LWI) - Unequal pay, unemployment, early marriages, and violence against women remain key challenges for women in the West Bank and Gaza, in spite of increased…