First gathering of the Theological Education and Formation Strategic Advisory Group (TEF SAG)
Theological education and formation have always been a profound part of our Lutheran identity and the driver of religious, social, political, and economic reform. The 12th Assembly passed a Resolution on Theological Education that calls the LWF to create a strategy to ensure that everyone in our communion who feels called to lay or ordained ministry can access quality theological education. The LWF seeks to build a participatory network where member churches, theological institutions, theologians and students can contribute gifts and address needs of theological education in their context. A Strategic Advisory Group (SAG) composed of eleven teaching theologians, students and representatives from member churches will meet in Geneva from 21-22 March to advise the strategy for building a Network for Theological Education and Formation.
German youth keep the Reformation alive and global
Young reformers Lena Lothring and Julia Braband are keeping Martin Luther and the Reformation firmly planted in the lives of young Lutherans worldwide while learning about climate justice…
LWF forms strategic advisory group on theological education and formation
(LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation is taking steps towards creating a network to strengthen theological education and formation across the communion.
(LWI) – The glaciers are melting, and the snow is retreating at the top of Mount Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. As he was observing this from his doorstep at the foot of the mountain, which is a landmark…
WINDHOEK / Namibia (LWI) - Dios hace al hombre y a la mujer libres y no esclavos, cuando la iglesia luterana tiene la convicción de que es así, inicia la verdadera libertad para sus miembros, dice Arisbé Gómez, representante del Sínodo Luterano...
WINDHOEK / Namibia - Compartir dificultades y esperanzas, y sentirse parte de un todo es lo que motiva a la Obispa Victoria Cortez a participar con alegría en la 12ª Asamblea de la Federación Luterana Mundial (FLM), que se...
WINDHOEK / Namibia - El Rev. José Pilar Alvarez Cabrera es el Coordinador General de la Iglesia Luterana Guatemalteca (ILUGUA), una de las Iglesias más recientes en haberse incorporado a la Federación Luterana Mundial (FLM), entiende a la...