Council members of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) expressed solidarity with the people most affected by climate change and severe weather events by joining in the Fast for the Climate campaign and calling upon the Lutheran Communion to join…
LWF President Younan Lauds Australian Lutheran Church Schools
BRISBANE, Australia/GENEVA, 2 October 2013 (LWI) - Bishop Dr Munib A. Younan, President of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF), has told Lutheran educators from across…
Lutheran Delegates Host Fast at UN Summit Parallel Event
(LWI) – The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) continues its advocacy on climate change as “an urgent matter of social and economic justice” with events around the United…
LWF Representative Kwon Offers Highlights from New York Climate Change Summits
(LWI) – While the recent Interfaith Summit on Climate Change emphasized politicians’ urgent responsibility in taking action to limit global warming, it also…
(LWI) – Bishop Dr Munib A. Younan of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land (ELCJHL), says an award he received in Canada for dedication to building peace in the region is recognition and…
LWF President Younan visits border village of Korean Peninsula
(LWI) – At the border village of Panmunjom that divides the Korean people, Bishop Dr Munib A. Younan, President of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF), said peace between…
Archbishop Musa invites Christians to conquer fear of others
(LWI) - The good news of yet another season of celebrating the birth of Jesus should inspire Christians to be more committed to serving humanity even when confronted with fear…
LWF Vice-President Desri Maria Sumbayak, The Indonesian Christian Church
For me personally, the Easter period this year is quite distinct. Just two days before Good Friday, Indonesians will be giving democracy a major boost by exercising…