(LWI) - International humanitarian and development faith- based networks have urged governments preparing for next week’s COP 21 United Nations climate summit in Paris to do their outmost to reach a fair, binding, and ambitious agreement as…
PARIS, France/GENEVA, 29 November 2015 (LWI) – Saturday, 28 November, marked the beginning of the ecumenical and interfaith cooperation at COP21 in Paris. Four petitions by ACT Now for Climate Justice (part of ACT Alliance), the Global…
(LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) delegates taking part in faith and civil society action at crucial climate talks in Paris are also using the opportunity to build solidarity with the French churches.
LWF climate advocates learn about French church eco-justice initiatives
(LWI) - Seven young people from The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) regions who are monitoring United Nations climate change negotiations have come to in Paris with…
LWF delegates reflect on climate and their journeys of faith
(LWI) - The United Nations climate summit COP29 continues, and both onsite and online, The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) delegates keep the focus on amplifying the call for…
Delegates reflect on their work at COP 29 and share their expectations
(LWI) - COP29 is entering its final stages. Onsite and online, The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) delegates – including young people from member churches around the…