African Region Affirms Commitment to Host 2017 LWF Assembly in Namibia
WINDHOEK, Namibia/GENEVA, 2 October 2013 (LWI) – Leaders of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) visiting member churches in Namibia participated in the…
Changes in Departments, Welcome to New Member Churches
(LWI) – The Council of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) concluded its meeting in Medan, Indonesia, with decisions on ecumenical dialogues, finance and the work of the respective…
A former house servant becomes an advocate against bonded labor
(LWI) It was a foggy November morning in Kailali district, western Nepal, when Basanti Chaudhary (32) received a phone call. Her brother-in-law told her that she had won the…
The Lutheran World Federation's annual governance meeting takes place online, from 18 to 23 June 2021. This will be an exceptional online meeting because of the COVID-19 pandemic. An in-person meeting is scheduled for November 2021. On 16 June the LWF Executive Committee will meet.
The LWF Council meets once a year and is responsible for LWF business between Assemblies. It consists of:
the President
the Chairperson of the Finance Committee
48 lay or ordained people, from LWF member churches in seven regions.
Members of this Council were appointed at the 2017 Twelfth Assembly.
Church leaders share messages of hope and life in advance of exceptional Easter
(LWI) - Offering solace and words of hope, leaders from the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) member churches are sending Easter messages during exceptional…