Lunar New Year is, without doubt, the most important annual festival for the Chinese. It is not only a long holiday in Hong Kong, but also a time for family and friends to gather. It is…
The Lutheran World Federation's annual governance meeting takes place online, from 18 to 23 June 2021. This will be an exceptional online meeting because of the COVID-19 pandemic. An in-person meeting is scheduled for November 2021. On 16 June the LWF Executive Committee will meet.
The LWF Council meets once a year and is responsible for LWF business between Assemblies. It consists of:
the President
the Chairperson of the Finance Committee
48 lay or ordained people, from LWF member churches in seven regions.
Members of this Council were appointed at the 2017 Twelfth Assembly.
On their solidarity visit to Ukraine, the LWF delegation also met with faith leaders from Christian, Muslim and Jewish communities in Ukraine. A common concern was the instrumentalization of Christianity to justify the Russian invasion of Ukraine…
With its income-generating activities mostly grounded by the war in Gaza, the Palestinian Lutheran church extends small acts that keep hope alive, thanks to solidarity from the Lutheran communion.
A crisis and a chance to be the church outside the stereotype of church in society: Pastor Oleksandr Gross of GELCU in Odessa, Ukraine, in a greeting to the VELKD synod spoke about the changes the war had brought to his church.
The year was marked by the end of the COVID-19 pandemic, which meant that in-person meetings could resume. At the same time, war in Europe, and the response of LWF and its member churches, brought back memories of the years when…
LWF’s General Secretary reports on activities of the global communion of churches over the past year, as the Council gathers for its last full business meeting
During a solidarity visit to Odessa, Ukraine, VELKD leading bishop Ralf Meister said: “Together, we long for a world in which peace and justice no longer have to be fought for.”
As part of its 75th anniversary celebrations, the LWF has established a Communion Solidarity Fund to which all member churches are invited to contribute to support each other in challenging times.