African Region Affirms Commitment to Host 2017 LWF Assembly in Namibia
WINDHOEK, Namibia/GENEVA, 2 October 2013 (LWI) – Leaders of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) visiting member churches in Namibia participated in the…
Food, Water and School Uniforms for Drought-Affected Families in Amperbo
(LWI) – Sophia Fredrick, 40, says she will first use part of the 800 Namibian dollars (USD 80) she received recently to pay her contribution towards costs…
Changes in Departments, Welcome to New Member Churches
(LWI) – The Council of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) concluded its meeting in Medan, Indonesia, with decisions on ecumenical dialogues, finance and the work of the respective…
(LWI) - The LWF has proved itself an organization recognised for high quality work and for networking with diverse groups of people, Archbishop Dr Panti Filibus Musa says.
(LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) through Caritas Internationalis will support people in Syria with winter clothing, relief goods and trauma workshops. “…