On their solidarity visit to Ukraine, the LWF delegation also met with faith leaders from Christian, Muslim and Jewish communities in Ukraine. A common concern was the instrumentalization of Christianity to justify the Russian invasion of Ukraine…
Lutheran congregation attends to the injured in Kiev
(LWI) – A place of peace and prayer – and an improvised hospital. For days now, the church of the German Evangelical Lutheran congregation in Kiev has been caring for…
Assistance to the displaced and people with disabilities
(LWI) – In the midst of the 16-month-old war in the Ukraine that has killed over 6000 people and displaced 1.5 million, the German Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Ukraine (GELCU…
“In times of exclusionary populism, silence is never an option”
(LWI) - In his New Year message, the General Secretary of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) Rev. Dr Martin Junge calls on churches to bear witness to the gospel message…
"Support vital for people desperately seeking shelter”
(LWI) – The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has launched a call for donations to support the churches and people of Ukraine, who are fleeing their homes and seeking shelter, basic…
“Speak out about the sin of the war and not about imaginary peace”
(LWI) - Lutherans in Ukraine are standing firm against the invasion of Russia and providing support for people in the country. They call on churches in Europe to…
(LWI) – Lutheran church leaders across the world have issued calls for a just peace in Ukraine and an end to the Russian invasion. In statements and messages, they ask for…