Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
What We Do We work with member churches, country programs and partner organizations to promote justice, peace, reconciliation and dignity for individuals and communities.
Member Churches LWF membership represents over 78 million Christians in the Lutheran tradition in 99 countries across the globe. It has 150 member churches, including two associate member churches, as well as ten recognized churches and congregations, and two recognized councils.
LWF related subsites Related Subsites LWF Thirteenth Assembly – 2023.lwfassembly.org [EN | DE | ES | FR | PL] Reformation 2017 – 2017.…
Get Involved We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition on a common journey of renewal We strive to put our faith into action within and beyond the communion, and seek God’s Word and Spirit to guide us
Donate Now Your partnership truly makes a difference.Together, a better world is possible.With Passion for the Church and for the World.
Image Women delegates from LWF member churches in Asia make paper windmills at the Women in Church and Society meeting, held before the regional Pre-Assembly. Photo: LWF/A. Danielsson Asian women delegates gather to prepare for the Assembly LWF Women on the Move program, Gender Justice Policy introduced at regional meeting (LWI) - On Sunday morning singing echoed in the corridors of the Camillian Center in Bangkok, Thailand: "Help me believe in what I could be and all…
Image LWF General Secretary Rev. Dr Martin Junge said the Asia Pre-Assembly is an opportunity for church representatives to meet, share their work and exchange ideas. Photo: LWF/A. Danielsson Where churches share their gifts, enrich each other and serve the world LWF General Secretary Junge shares a vision for the LWF at Asia Pre-Assembly (LWI) - Addressing The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) Asia Pre-Assembly, General Secretary Rev. Dr Martin Junge gave an introduction to the history and identity…
Image Rev. Jongkolnee Sampachanyanon Sim receives the blessing from bishop Rt. Rev. Amnuay Yodwong. Photo: LWF/ P. Lok Thailand: First Lutheran women ordained into ministry “Ordination is confirmation of women’s calling from God” (LWI) - The Evangelical Lutheran Church in Thailand (ELCT), a member church of the Lutheran World federation (…
Image Rev. Jongkolnee Sampachanyanon Sim became one of the first two women ordained in The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Thailand in 2018. Photo: LWF/A.Danielsson Building up the church in Thailand Voices from the Communion: One of the ELCT’s first women pastors shares milestones on her journey (LWI) - It has been a long journey, physically and spiritually, for Rev. Jongkolnee Sampachanyanon Sim who became one of the first two women…