Pastors Zelda Cossa and Rosa Rafael speak of new hope and dedication
MAPUTO, Mozambique/GENEVA, 30 June 2017 - Amid worldwide commemorations of 500 years of the Reformation, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Mozambique (IELM) recently…
Interview with Jacob Aleer, LWF Security Focal Point in Jonglei, South Sudan
(LWI) - For the Lutheran World Federation (LWF), South Sudan has proven the most challenging country in terms of safety and security in the past year. As the…
(LWI) - Youth from 15 member churches of the Lutheran Communion in Southern Africa (LUCSA) have identified climate change and gender-based violence (GBV) as…
Sarah Ewoi, Kenya, receives refugees from South Sudan
(LWI) - 46-year-old Sarah Ewoi is a mother of 4, working for the Lutheran World Federation – World Service at the Nadapal Transit Centre in Kenya. The…
Mozambique emergency response after cyclone “Idai” successfully completed
(LWI) - “Our life is better now,” says Francisco Thuboy Mauguese, a farmer who lives together with his wife and six children in Muchambonha village. He is one of…