For the people of Ethiopia, climate change is a present, not a future challenge
I work on the frontlines, in humanitarian and development assistance dealing with the devastating effects of climate and conflict-induced crises on people and…
LWF Ethiopia brings perspectives from communities devastated by climate change
(LWI) – Delegates from The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) and other non-governmental organizations taking part in the United Nations (UN) climate conference…
World Service director grateful for commitment and dedication of staff
(LWI) -The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) World Service director Maria Immonen has sent a letter to the staff in humanitarian and development operations, encouraging…
LWF World Service concerned about long-term effects of the pandemic
(LWI) - Unparalleled cooperation, resilience and commitment, but also an enormous challenge for field staff and the communities we serve – this is what a global health…
LWF calls for more livelihoods support during COVID-19
(LWI) - A choice between contracting a potentially fatal virus and having nothing to eat: The COVID-19 pandemic means many communities LWF serves are faced with impossible…
(LWI) - From everyday life into chaos: For the people affected by the recent conflict in Ethiopia, life as they knew it ended abruptly with the military offensive in the Tigray region. Even…