WITTENBERG, Germany/GENEVA, 27 February 2015 (LWI) – At its first meeting, 22 - 25 February in Wittenberg, Germany, the LWF working group on the “Women on the Move”…
(LWI) – “The Reformation must continue as a living experience of the people of God.” Speaking about the ongoing reformation in his morning devotion, The Lutheran World Federation (LWF)…
Women in Central Western Europe discuss the gender gap and “MeToo”
(LWI) – Better conditions for women in church leadership positions, participation in decision-making bodies of the church, fair living and working conditions for women and…
(LWI) – Prof. Dr Ľubomír Batka from Slovakia and Dr Hoyce Jacob Lyimo-Mbowe from Tanzania teamed up to lead the 19th International Seminar for theologians at the…
Women leaders overcoming boundaries of gender, culture and social status
(LWI) – Churches should be bolder and elect women as well as men to leadership positions, because “we, the women, belong there as their sisters, wives, mothers.”…
(LWI) – Alongside men such as Martin Luther and Philipp Melanchthon, many women had a hand in bringing about the Reformation 500 years ago. This was shown with a commemorative stamp in…