First Plenary of 19th session of Lutheran-Orthodox Joint International Commission on Theological Dialogue
Following on from a groundbreaking agreement on the ‘Filioque’ clause in the Nicene Creed and an important statement on the role of the Holy Spirit at their last meeting in Cairo, May 2024, members of the Lutheran-Orthodox Joint International Commission on Theological Dialogue engage in the first plenary meeting of dialogue which will take place in Larnaka, Cyprus.
Metropolitan Isaias of Tamasos will host the first plenary meeting of the 19th Session from 19 to 25 May. The meeting follows on from a preparatory meeting held at the Hellenic College in Boston, USA, during which the theme was specified as Synodality and Primacy.
The commission is co-chaired by Lutheran Bishop Dr Johann Schneider from Germany and Metropolitan Kyrillos of Krini from the Ecumenical Patriarchate.