
Publication date
This publication is for both, men and women, who have been touched by Faith, kissed awake by hope and transformed by lov...

June 2018

The report examines the highlights and achievements of the Lutheran World Federation in 2017. In 52 pages, it details: ...

June 2018

The LWF is a communion of 145 churches in 98 countries, bringing together more than 74 million members. In 2017, the LWF...
EN | DE | ES | FR

May 2018

The message of the risen Christ should empower Christians to contend with forces and principalities “that stand in the w...
EN | DE | ES | FR

March 2018

The cross of crucifixion was chosen by early Christians as the symbol of their faith simply because of what it captured ...
EN | DE | ES | FR

March 2018

Training Manuals for Participants The Peace Messengers Training is a peacebuilding and conflict resolution training pro...
EN | ES | FR

March 2018

Eight-week pilot course in Lutheran theology, which ran from October 2017 until the end of January 2018. It was initiate...

December 2017