Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
What We Do We work with member churches, country programs and partner organizations to promote justice, peace, reconciliation and dignity for individuals and communities.
Member Churches LWF membership represents over 78 million Christians in the Lutheran tradition in 99 countries across the globe. It has 150 member churches, including two associate member churches, as well as ten recognized churches and congregations, and two recognized councils.
LWF related subsites Related Subsites LWF Thirteenth Assembly – 2023.lwfassembly.org [EN | DE | ES | FR | PL] Reformation 2017 – 2017.…
Get Involved We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition on a common journey of renewal We strive to put our faith into action within and beyond the communion, and seek God’s Word and Spirit to guide us
Donate Now Your partnership truly makes a difference.Together, a better world is possible.With Passion for the Church and for the World.
LWF Symposium Explores Trust in the Workplace Insights from Ethics, Sociology, Theology and Electronic Media
Environmental Activists and Theologians among Speakers at LWF Virtual Conference Head of Greenpeace International to Deliver Keynote Address
Norwegian Church to Support Constitutional Proposal to Change Relations with State Structures Structures Have Implications for Identity, Says LWF General Secretary Junge
Lutheran Churches in Latin America and the Caribbean Form Women and Gender Justice Network A Tool to Support Gender Policy in the LWF
Micro-Credit Promotes Economic Democracy Best Grassroots Practices Presented at LWF Interfaith Conference
FEATURE: Small Church Loans Boost Farming, Build Interfaith Harmony in Indonesia Religious Leaders’ Voice Urged in the Call for Bread, Freedom and Social Justice
Global Lutheran Bodies to Explore Common Commemorations of Reformation Anniversary Communiqué from ILC-LWF Meeting Affirms Value of Global Conversations
LWF Christian-Muslim Consultation Outlines Strategies for Democratic Economic Structures Faith Communities Urged to Learn from Social Movements Clamoring for Change
Survey Shows 70.5 Million Members in LWF-Affiliated Churches Slight Increase Globally with Growth in Africa and Asia
LWF Equal Salary Certification Affirms Commitment to Gender Justice A Powerful Encouragement on International Women’s Day, Says General Secretary Junge
Seeking Churches' Commitment for People on the Move LWF-backed Group Engages in Global Process on Migration