Five months since the attack of Hamas on Israel, and the start of the military operation in Gaza, negotiations for a ceasefire, and the release of Hamas-held hostages have yielded no solution. LWF is deeply concerned about the loss of life, and…
At the recent session the Human Rights Council, the LWF commended the Burundi government for constructive engagement with the Universal Periodic Review and called for further protection of the rights of women.…
In a public statement, the Thirteenth LWF Assembly voiced concerns about the violence and loss of lives in Israel-Palestine, calling upon the international community and the Government of Israel to respect and ensure access to…
LWF and partners call for more sustained assistance to the Horn of Africa. The humanitarian response must be fully funded to mitigate the effects of climate injustice in the re and urge donors to address the impact of climate change and climate…
(LWI) – Shocked and sickened by massive loss of life among desperate people seeking to cross the Mediterranean Sea to find refuge in Europe, The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has appealed to…
LWF signs statement calling for protection of conflict-affected communities
(LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation is among 18 international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) calling for “rapid, unfettered and sustained access” to all…
LWF’s intervention at 40th session of UN Human Rights Council
(LWI) – The human rights situation in Myanmar, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and South Sudan, and access to justice for people living with albinism were key topics for The…
(LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) continues to express the communion’s solidarity with all those affected by the Easter Sunday attacks targeting Christian places of worship and…
(LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has expressed grave concern over the “Peace to Prosperity” plan for Israel and Palestine presented by the U.S. administration this week.