Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Iglesias Miembro Los miembros de la FLM representan a más de 78 millones de cristianos de tradición luterana en 99 países de todo el mundo. Tiene 151 iglesias miembro, incluidas dos iglesias miembro asociadas, así como diez iglesias y congregaciones reconocidas y dos consejos reconocidos.
Get Involved We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition on a common journey of renewal We strive to put our faith into action within and beyond the communion, and seek God’s Word and Spirit to guide us Campaigns Find out about our latest advocacy campaigns and join us as we work to bring about a more just, peaceful and reconciled world Open Campaigns LWF Peace Messengers Training Emergency calls We invite you to learn about our current emergency responses and join us in making a difference in critical times: Crisis in Israel-Palestine Ukraine Crisis Communion Solidarity Fund Open Positions Interested in joining the LWF's committed staff? Share our core values Ongoing Reformation Find resources and sharable materials exploring ways in which we seek to put the Reformation principles into practice in our diverse cultures and contexts. Reformation Day Advent Lent Bible Year Updates from Events Stay informed with daily updates, photos, and stories from upcoming, ongoing and past 16 Days of Activism - against Gender-Based Violence 2024 Become a Member Church Joining the Lutheran communion of churches