LWF project combines emergency response and development work
(LWI) – From 2021 to 2024, the Amahoro project of the Lutheran World Federation has been a lifeline for over 6,900 people in Burundi's Cankuzo and Ruyigi regions. This ambitious…
A medida que las iglesias de la Federación Luterana Mundial (FLM) se acercan a la celebración por el Día de la Reforma en octubre, el legado de la reformadora protestante Katharina Schütz Zell y la historia bíblica de Rut ofrecen hermosos...
El pasado domingo 27 de octubre, el Distrito Misiones de la Iglesia Evangélica del Río de la Plata (IERP) llevó a cabo una celebración única de la Reforma Protestante bajo el lema “La Reforma nos abraza en la tarea del servicio” en la...
Diaconal workshop fosters collaboration and learning among Asian churches
(LWI) – Junus Ricardo Purba from the Indonesian Christian Lutheran Church (Gereja Kristen Lutheran Indonesia – GKLI), says his participation in a recent regional…
Diakonia refers to the call to respond to human suffering and injustice. It is a central pillar of the holistic mission of churches in the world. The LWF Communion Office supports the member churches in different areas of their diaconal engagement for the wider community. Besides supporting churches’ own local diaconal initiatives through project support (see member church projects), the Communion Office coordinates global initiatives focusing on different themes