Who We Are We are a global communion of churches in the Lutheran tradition, living and working together for a just, peaceful, and reconciled world
Image Freedom and Responsibility. Christian and Muslim Explorations How can Christian and Muslim ethical and theological reflection contribute to the wider discourse on human beings and actions, freedom and responsi
Image “Women on the Move: From Wittenberg to Windhoek” Toolkit The project “Women on the Move: From Wittenberg to Windhoek” (WMWW) celebrates the leadership and participation of women in the ongoing Reformation
Image Working Together: Christian-Muslim Humanitarian Partnerships Workshop This final report of the workshop Working Together: Christian-Muslim Humanitarian Partnerships contains the background to the LW
Image Resource: Religion: Help or Hindrance to Development? Authors from Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin and North America reflect on the many ways in which religion has positively influenced development and ass
Image Theological Practices That Matter Theological reflections on such diverse practices as reading the Bible; worship; baptism; forgiveness of sin; church discipline; inclusion of child
Image Deepening Faith, Hope and Love in Relations with Neighbors of Other Faiths The intent is to deepen commitment to and theological discernment within interreligious relations.
Image Identity, Survival, Witness. Reconfiguring Theological Agendas These articles provide glimpses into the complex, intertwined struggles for identity and witness that the churches face in Asia.
Image Lutherans Respond to Pentecostalism These articles seek to further deeper ongoing theological conversations about how Pentecostalism is influencing practices in Lutheran churches, esp
Image Transformative Theological Perspectives The final volume in the TLC series brings together some papers presented at the concluding 2009 consultation in Augsburg, Germany