The Study Guide for the Thirteenth Assembly was published in March. On Wednesday 29 March the LWF Communion Office will host a launch event to give you a look behind the scenes and answer questions about how the Study Guide was prepared, how it is structured and how it will be used across the communion as we prepare for the assembly.
Join us on an adventure leading up to the Thirteenth LWF Assembly in Krakow in September: that’s the invitation from the authors and editors of a new study guide which explores the Assembly theme ‘One Body, One Spirit, One Hope’
Learning from the witness of churches in minority situations
(LWI) - The focus of the Thirteen Assembly of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has been set with the theme, “One Body, One Spirit, One Hope.“ The assembly will be held 13-19…
(LWI) - The Lutheran World Federation has put out a call for proposals to develop the Thirteenth LWF Assembly logo and visual identity. The meeting of the highest LWF decision-making body takes place in…
Looking forward to gathering as a global communion
(LWI) – In a letter sent to member churches, The Lutheran World Federation (LWF), General Secretary Anne Burghardt called for nominations of delegates to the…