Reflections on 2022 GEM School for an Economy of Life
Some 30 highly motivated people of all ages and nationalities, representing different Christian denominations, met in Berlin in the first week of July for in-depth discussions on…
The problem of prolonged drought here in Oxavikwa, Kuroca municipality, started in 2011 after heavy rains of 2010, which caused heavy flood losses to our field crops.
The current outbreak of Ebola in West Africa began in Guinea in March, 2014, and quickly spread across the border into Sierra Leone and Liberia. Eastern Sierra Leone has been seriously hit by the epidemic. (…
Young African Reformers determined to emulate Martin Luther
As the Lutheran communion in Africa gathers in Moshi, Tanzania, to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the 1955 Marangu conference when African Lutherans met for the first time as…
Young African Lutherans take on the challenge of the Reformation
African members of the Global Young Reformers Network attending the 60th anniversary of the Lutheran communion in Africa held a one-day workshop, 19 May, to deliberate on…
Allison Westerhoff, a communications officer with the Lutheran church in Southern Africa, applauds efforts to encourage young church members in Tanzania to think green.
The Majengo Lutheran Parish in Moshi, Tanzania, is a…
The notion that creation is a treasure and not to be exploited is a major theme of the upcoming 12th assembly of the Lutheran World Federation and was discussed extensively at the recent Africa leadership conference in Marangu, Tanzania. Here,…
LWF General Secretary Rev. Martin Junge draws inspiration from the Africa leadership conference at Marangu, Tanzania, to show how collectively, churches can transform lives. He is interviewed in French by David Ben Adjia, of the Église…