By LWF Assistant General Secretary Ralston Deffenbaugh
Kenya: University students separated from one another according to religion, with the Christians shot and the Muslims spared. Yemen: Shia mosques bombed by Sunnis. Myanmar:…
The LWF Gender Justice Policy gives new ideas and thoughts to the Lutheran Church in Korea. The process of developing the translation was good, although we learned there is room for improvements in such a…
In the Japan Lutheran Church, 70 percent of those who attend worship are women. It therefore means that women are the majority of servers in the church. They are happy to serve and give their voice at various…
The notion that creation is a treasure and not to be exploited is a major theme of the upcoming 12th assembly of the Lutheran World Federation and was discussed extensively at the recent Africa leadership conference in Marangu, Tanzania. Here,…
LWF Advocacy Officer Dr Ojot Ojulu took part in the 60th year commemorations of the first all-Africa Lutheran conference. He analyzes the critical need for church advocacy in today’s society.
LWF junior advocacy officer Marta Spangler attended a global advocacy training for faith-based organizations on women’s human rights, taking place in Geneva. She looks at the potential for international synergy through faith-based collaboration…
Africa is probably the continent most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, a situation worsened by its poor state of ecomonic delveopment and poor ability to adapt, write Lutherans, Pranita Biswasi and Sascha…
Nous savons d’où nous venons car l’histoire de la création a été racontée dans la Bible. Les scientifiques ont aussi fait leur récit de la création. Nous savons d’où nous venons car l’histoire du climat à travers les ères géographiques, les…