I arrived in Windhoek, Namibia, eager to explore the themes of the conference, Global Perspectives on the Reformation: Interactions between Theology, Politics, and Economics. After only one full day, I have experienced the dynamic interplay…
The Youth Pre-Assembly of the Lutheran World Federation has brought together 106 individuals from 45 countries. From my perspective, I see this first bit of time together as each person in the room becoming aware of each other and what gifts that…
GENEVA, 20 October 2015 (LWI) – How do theological questions that triggered the Reformation movement 500 years ago relate to the political and economic realities that face church and society in the 21st century?
NAMIBIA, Windhoek/GENEVA, 2 November 2015 (LWI) - Theology that seeks to contribute to social transformation must relate to the contexts in which it is applied, offer critical and creative approaches and address concrete issues.
More than 110 young Lutherans expected for LWF Youth Pre-Assembly in Ondangwa
(LWI) – Young pastors and youth leaders from the three member churches of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) in Namibia have launched preparations for the…
Online voting of International Preaching Contest started
(LWI) A young pastor will hold the sermon at the closing worship in the Twelfth assembly of The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) in Namibia on 16 May. Young ordained Lutherans from…
ONDANGWA, Namibia/GENEVA, 2 May 2017 (LWI) - Young Lutherans are leading the way to The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) Twelfth Assembly, as they prepare for the Youth Pre-Assembly (YPA) in Ondangwa, northern Namibia, 3-9 May.
Interview with the Namibian pastors Isak Malua and Klaus-Peter Tietz
(LWI) – Isak Malua (40) and Klaus-Peter Tietz (59) are both pastors in Namibia, serving in two different Lutheran churches in the country. They met in Wittenberg,…